

  • Things you should always have: onions, garlic, olive oil, butter, S&P, chicken stock
  • Aromatics: rosemary, thyme
  • 4 tomatoes/6 roma tomatoes
  • 1 green squash
  • 1 yellow squash
  • 1 zuccinni
  • Assorted colored peppers


  1. Mandolin veggies at 1/8”? The thinner it is, the fancier it is.
  2. Use a sharp knife on tomatoes instead. Submerge tomatoes boiling water for 30s to make them easier to peel.
  3. Red Pepper Soup
    1. Knob of butter + olive oil. Add 0.5-1 sliced onion.
    2. Roast 2-3 peppers for like 10-12 mini peppers, pref yellow/orange. I broiled in toaster oven for 10 mins w/olive oil.
    3. Add scraps and peppers and garlic (maybe 4-5 cloves). S&P. Pan cook until tender, maybe around 10 mins.
    4. Blend in blender. Add chicken stock slowly. Maybe 1-2 cups.
  4. While waiting for the above to cook in pan for 10 mins, start prearranging stacks of 4 of the slices. Preheat the oven as well to 300F.
  5. Thin layer of soup. Arrange ratatouille. Spiral til center. Drizzle with olive oil, S&P, add rosemary/thyme on top.
  6. Bake: 80 min @ 300F.
  7. 3 mins before, add plates to warm up.
  8. Plate with a ring mold :). Give your rat a bonus.
