Flume Greenpeace Lead

What a beautiful and haunting synth. Jaw dropped when I first heard this song. Starts at 0:25.


  • Osc: Saw
    • Attack: 190ms
    • Delay: 583ms
    • Sustain: -52dB (?)
    • Release: 200ms (?).


  1. There’s some crazy pitch bend going on. Have a env pitch bend up into each note. Mono + portomento w/~200ms.
    1. Also applied the same env to a wavetable position on a sq/saw wave in the future, sounds sick.
  2. Vibrato in both amplitude and frequency. Two LFOs at 100 and 300hz, respectively. Maybe only ~5 semitones for pitch.?
  3. Season with dimension/hyper/reverb to taste.
  4. Some crazy note bending occurs at the 4th and 6th note of the lead sequence. No idea what’s going how to replicate. Flume you gotta chill.