

  • Things you should always have: onions, garlic, olive oil, butter, S&P, chicken stock
    • 1/2-1 white onion, >=3 cloves garlic, 1.5 cups chicken stock
  • Aromatics: paprika, saffron, bay leaves
  • 1.7 cups rice
  • 1 regular can of pureed tomatoes
  • 1 big chorizo (maybe a lb?)
  • 1-2 boneless chicken thighs (maybe half lb?)
  • Lemon slices (optional)


  1. Dice onions. Sweat onions on medium high with oil, maybe 5-10 mins.
  2. While sweating, chop your garlic. Add garlic. Sweat some more, maybe 1-2 mins.
  3. Add can of tomatoes to pot and add uno bay leaf and some paprika. Add salt/pepper here (use your best judgement) but be conservative.
  4. Let it simmer for a bit. Start chopping up your chorizo and chicken. Push tomato/onion/mixture to the side.
  5. Throw your chorizo in first to render the oil. After 2-3 mins throw in the chicken.
  6. Bring chicken stock to boil on the side for more effecient cooking times.
  7. Render and saute for about 5 mins.
  8. Scoop meats to the side as well. Your pot should be 1/3 tomato stew, 1/3 protein, and 1/3 empty.
  9. Add oil to the empty section. Toast a pinch of saffron and a lot of paprika.
  10. After toasting for 2 mins, mix everything together, including rice. 3-n big scoops of chicken stock, or enough to cover.
  11. Bring to boil, put on a lid, and simmer on low for ~40 mins. Check half way thru if you want.
  12. Scoop onto plates and garnish with sliced lemon. Serve with sangria.


Figure 1: Mise en place

Figure 1: Mise en place

Figure 2: 1-pot separation. Balance in all things.

Figure 2: 1-pot separation. Balance in all things.

Figure 3: I was hungry so didn’t really plate.

Figure 3: I was hungry so didn’t really plate.



  • Used seafood stock (boiled shrimp heads) instead of chicken stock, and it was a lot closer to the paella in Barcelona.
  • Used a can of diced blackened tomatoes. Would recommend tomato puree/san marzano tomatoes, the taste was a bit off here and the tomatoes were too…solid?
  • 2 cups of rice (was a bit much) and twice as much stock.
  • Cooked for additional 10 mins? Didn’t get the crust because may have added too much stock.